Linwood School Forest
Linwood Elementary is a close knit school community serving just over 400 learners in preschool through 6th grade. Our purpose at Linwood is to learn and grow through our relationships with each other and our connections in nature. We believe young people develop into lifelong learners with purpose, confidence, knowledge, and growth through showing their PRIDE (Positive, Respectful, Integrity, Dependable, Engaged) and we greatly appreciate the support we receive from our families and community.
The Linwood Elementary School staff work diligently to assist students to increase achievement by establishing high expectations for the individual child. We are committed to building positive relationships in our Linwood school and community where all will feel safe and valued. We value showing compassion and empathy to our students, families and community by understanding and supporting individual needs.
Additionally, we celebrate our access to the Linwood Community Park and School Forest. Our School Forest is a collaborative effort between Linwood Elementary and Linwood Township. The School Forest is a 210-acre parcel of land that has two classrooms, nature trails, boardwalks and groomed cross-country ski trails in the winter. Staff and students at Linwood take advantage of the vast educational experiences that can be gained from exploring nature, learning in outdoor classrooms, being active by snowshoeing and cross country skiing on our trails, and decreasing the effects of a nature deficit. Our School Forest Committee sponsors naturalist programming through Wargo Nature Center for each classroom three times a year in Fall, Winter and Spring. Students are able to visit the forest weekly, twice a month, monthly or seasonally with their classroom teacher or principal.
In addition to the Linwood Community Park and School Forest we have a prairie restoration plot planted and maintained by the DNR. Students have the opportunity to experience a prairie.